Hurt muscle

April 17, 2007

I hurt a muscle a few days ago playing soccer.  Hopefully, I will be running tomorrow.

Sorry no video

April 15, 2007

Sorry I haven’t posted a video.  I have been running, and I plan on finishing up week 3 tomorrow.  So far, I’ve noticed that week 3 feels a lot more like torture than running.  It’s pretty difficult.  I’ve had visitors all this past week, and we’ve been walking all over Mexico City.  That’s why there hasn’t been any posting.   Tomorrow is the start of a new week, so I’ll be running again.

Week 2 Day 2

March 28, 2007

I ran today.  It was easier than Monday.  Sorry there’s no video.  I haven’t had time to make one.  Anyway, I feel good.  There were no problems with the running today, except that I didn’t want to get out of bed.

Week 2 Night 1

March 27, 2007

I’m feeling good after the first day of running in week 2.  Hopefully, I’ll feel equally as good on Wednesday.

Nike +

March 26, 2007

All Nike shoes to be iPod compatible.

Still don’t have it because I got a video iPod instead of a nano. Oh well.

VIDEO: Week 2 Day 1

March 26, 2007


Click the picture to watch the Quicktime file.
Click here to watch the Flash movie.

First Week finished!

March 23, 2007

Yeah!  I finished the first week of the running plan this morning.  No video today, but I’m really happy to have finished the first week again.  I feel good.  One thing I noticed about being out of shape or not having done anything physical in a while is that it makes your joints weaker.  My ankles are not as strong as they used to be.  Anyway, it’s good to have gotten back into the swing of things.

VIDEO: Day 3

March 21, 2007

Click the picture to see the Quicktime video
Click here to watch the flash video.

VIDEO: Day 2

March 20, 2007

Here’s the morning after video of my first day back to jogging.

Click the picture for the Quicktime version.

Click for the Flash version

VIDEO: The Jog Vlog 2.0

March 19, 2007

Click picture to view Quicktime
Watch the flash movie by clicking here.

Okay, here’s a new video. I know, it’s been a while. I’ll explain why later and what I’ve learned from it. Sorry to keep you hanging.